The build-up of the reestablished Macedonian Scientific Institute after 1990: the founders’ contribution - Списание "Македонски преглед"

вторник, 4 февруари 2025 г.

The build-up of the reestablished Macedonian Scientific Institute after 1990: the founders’ contribution

 The build-up of the new Macedonian Scientific Institute /MSI/ in Sofia after 1990 is among the most serious achievements of the intellectual circles in humanities in Bulgaria during the transition to democracy. The founders’ initiative has some background. In its course, the prerequisites for establishing a new societal and scientific organization were formed. Towards the end of the 1960s, the erroneous policy of the ruling Communist Party in the field of national issues was finally overcome. One of the results of this transition appeared in the Faculty of History /FH/ of the Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ /SU/. 

A group of young scientists was formed there: Yordan Shopov (1930 – 2006), Dimităr Gotsev, Milcho Lalkov (1944 – 2000), Stayko Trifonov (1949 – 1999), Trendafil Mitev, Georgi Bakalov (1943 – 2012), etc., who persistently committed themselves to elaborate on the issues related to the struggle for freedom and unification of the Bulgarian people. These historians published some of the most valuable monographs of that time on the Ilinden-Preobrazhenie Uprising of 1903, as well on the youth revolutionary movement in Macedonia, Bulgarian-Yugoslav relations 1944–1948, the Thracian question, the wars for national unification, etc. 

As a result, with the start of the changes on 10th November 1989 some of these members of the FH teaching staff were prepared to take the initiative to build the new societal and scientific structure to study national issues. Prof. Dimităr Gotsev headed the practical efforts. Important help for our success was also provided by the Union of Macedonian Cultural and Educational Societies / UMCES/, whose chairman at the time was Professor Gotsev. At first, the large hall in the underground floor of the Macedonian Home, at Pirotska Street No 5, was made available for public lectures. In the winter of 1990, weekly talks and discussions began there, attended by 40 Trendafil Mitev hundreds of people. The author of the article at hand delivered three lectures in front of this public forum. 

They were dedicated to then little-known struggles and achievements of the Macedonian Bulgarian emigration in the New World (USA, Canada and Australia), which struggled for defend the truth about the fate of the Bulgarians in Macedonia1 . Thus, with the efforts of the aforementioned nucleus of scientists, a favourable ideological atmosphere paved the way for the propitious situation in the Bulgarian capital, in order to proceed to the Founding Meeting of MSI on May 3rd, 1990...

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