The vocabulary of Rahovets, Prizren region, as a testimony for the nature of the local speech „Bulgarishtja“ - Списание "Македонски преглед"

четвъртък, 23 септември 2021 г.

The vocabulary of Rahovets, Prizren region, as a testimony for the nature of the local speech „Bulgarishtja“

The article examines the peculiarities of the vocabulary of the dialect of people of Bulgarian origin, residents of the town of  Rahovets, Prizren region. 

Attention is paid to lexemes that are characteristic of the Bulgarian language - e.g. ocet ’vinegar ’, as well as to the words that show specific semantic differences between Bulgarian and Serbian - e.g. blato ’swamp ’, tinya ’silt ’, kal ’mud ’; to lexemes that have parallels in other Bulgarian dialects - e.g. kupus ’cabbage ’, to semantic dialectal differences - e.g. mrəsen ' pinguid, fat ' and more...

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