The publication is a critical review of the book „Отпретани све-
доштва. Воjнички писма од Големата воjна 1914 – 1918“ [Torn
Testimonies. Soldier’s letters from the Great War 1914 – 1918],
published in Skopje, 2008.
The analysis carried out shows that it is not
a monograph, as claimed by the team that worked on it, but it cannot
be accepted as a scientific documentary collection either. It has been
argued that the subtitle “soldier letters from the Great War 1914 –
1918” is scientifically unsustainable and does not correspond to the
chronological scope and content of a significant part of the documents
contained in the presented documentary collection.
The paper reflects a
number of weaknesses, inaccuracies, misread texts; the non-scientific
understanding of what a document is, adopted by the publishing team,
as well as the distorted anti-Bulgarian interpretation of the very first
published document. Reasonable suspicion of manipulative selection
was also expressed – due to lack of information – on 12 documents
from the presented collection. In conclusion, it is stated that the book
can be perceived as a non-scientific propaganda publication with an
anti-Bulgarian bias.
Keywords: First World War; document; solder’s letters; monograph;
documentary collection volume; author; addressee, propaganda
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