The military actions on the Thessaloniki front in 1917, reflected in the Austro-Hungarian press - Списание "Македонски преглед"

четвъртък, 23 септември 2021 г.

The military actions on the Thessaloniki front in 1917, reflected in the Austro-Hungarian press

Important political events, especially those of an international scale, have always greatly interested the public. A growing need for information forced establishing specialized institutions whose task was to collect and spread information. 

In the 19th century this role was fulfilled by the press, which developed dynamically all over the world, including the Habsburg monarchy. Among all the titles it is worth paying attention to Czas newspaper, popular in Cracow, and Illustrirte Kronen Zeitung the most widely read in Vienna. During World War I both of these newspapers became one of the most important sources of information about events in the fronts. Many articles were devoted to Bulgaria and reported in detail the course of the battles of Bulgarian army in Macedonia during 1916. 

There is no doubt that they were under the influence of war propaganda, and the reports were subject to far-reaching military censorship, but nevertheless the information delivered by daily press can be a valuable addition to archival materials and science literature...

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